Gan Assurances - French insurance and reinsurance company
Public limited company with a captital of 193 107 400 euros (entièrement versé) - RCS Paris 542 063 797 - APE : 6512Z
Tél. : 01 70 94 20 00 -
Gan Assurances distributes Graoupama Gan Vie products
Public limited company with a capital of 1 371 100 605 euros
RCS Paris 340 427 616 - APE : 6511Z - Tél. : 01 44 56 77 77
Headquarters : 8-10 rue d’Astorg 75383 Paris Cedex 08
Companies governed by the insurance code and subject to the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 61 rue Taitbout 75009 Paris.
Director of publication : Eric GELPE
This site is hosted by the company LINKBYNET, SAS, whose registered office is located: 5-9 Rue de l'Industrie 93200 SAINT-DENIS.
The information presented by the site is necessarily partial and has no contractual value.
This site is subject to French law and is intended only for French Internet users.
Gan Assurances reserves the right to correct the content of this website at any time and without prior notice. In addition, it declines all responsibility in the event
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The site is subject to the regulations applicable to intellectual property law. All rights of reproduction and representation of this site are reserved.
Any reproduction,representation, distribution or redistribution, total or partial, of the content of this site by any process whatsoever,
without the express prior authorization of Gan Assurances is prohibited and would constitute an infringement. This prohibition applies whatever the process of reproduction, representation and / or modification and whatever the duration and geographical location. The brands and product names mentioned, including Dimension Retraite Energie, have been registered and protected.
No personal information is collected without your knowledge or used for unintended purposes. Certain information may be transmitted for commercial purposes to Gan Assurances' organizations and partners, unless you object by e-mail to the Consumer Relations Department - Gan Assurances Immeuble Michelet - 4-8, cours Michelet - 92082 Paris-La-Défense Cedex - Tel: 01 70 94 21 02 - e-mail:
Access to the retirement area is a secure access reserved for companies (employer and employees) who have taken out a contract with Gan Assurances Vie,
whichbecame Groupama Gan Vie on 1 January 2010. This space allows access, under certain conditions, to a certain number of online services. This access is carried out solely by means of an access code and
is governed by specific conditions of access and use to which the user must first have read and which he must have accepted. In general, Gan Assurances
is only bound by an obligation of means in the implementation and realization of online services.